Kadar Fetuin-A pada Sirosis Hati
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Universitas Sumatera Utara
Lubis, Yuni Aflah
Serum Fetuin-A 
2018-12-19 06:58:44 
Abstract :
Serum Fetuin-A is produced by hepatocytes in adults and its concentration decreases during acute phase reactions in patients with liver disease. Liver parenchymal cells can affect fetuin-A levels. Patients with liver disease can reflect an acute phase reaction or damage to liver parenchymal cells. Serum fetuin-A levels were strongly correlated with prothrombin activity as the best indicator of synthetic function of the liver. Fetuin-A is a glycoprotein synthesized by the liver (about 95%) and during embryo fetuin A is expressed by several tissues. Because it is synthesized in the liver, in some chronic liver diseases Fetuin A levels decrease. From various reports Fetuin A levels are reduced in liver disease and have been shown to be an independent factor in short-term mortality in liver cirrhosis. Cirrhosis Hepatic is one of the chronic liver diseases characterized by the formation of connective tissue with nodules. It usually starts with an inflammatory process of extensive liver cell necrosis, formation of connective tissue and efforts to regenerate nodules. The Child-Pugh score classification (CP score) has been widely applied as a prognostic parameter in patients with decompensated cirrhosis because it is simple to use in daily clinical practice. This study was to determine the difference between Fetuin-A levels in each severity degree in patients with liver cirrhosis (Child-Pugh Score). The study was conducted in the USU FK Clinical Department / RSUP H. Adam Malik Medan in collaboration with the Gastro Entero Hepatology Division of the Department of Internal Medicine FK-USU / RSUP. H. Adam Malik, Medan for the period January to April 2018. The number of samples collected by 33 people with liver cirrhosis and based on Child pugh criteria consisted of 11 people in Class A liver cirrhosis, 11 people in class B, 11 people in class C had fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The study sample was examined by Fetuin-A. From the results of this study, that fetuin A levels in class A liver cirrhosis were 273.87 ± 15.77 pg / ml, class B 247.43 ± 4.69 and in class C 191 ± 10.99 with a value of p <0.000. This is likely because the more severe liver cirrhosis, the lesser the liver cell mass is due to the large amount of fibrosis. So that less fetuin A is produced There were significant differences in Fetuin-A levels between patients with liver cirrhosis in all three groups based on Child-Pugh criteria with P = 0.001 (P <0.05). There was no significant difference in age between the three groups based on Child-Pugh criteria with a p value = 0.688. But there were significant differences in sex in the three groups with a value of p = 0.001. 

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Universitas Sumatera Utara