Analisis Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Kecil Jamur Tiram Putih Studi pada Usaha Chiliya Jamur Desa Suka Mulya Kepala Sungai, Secanggang Kabupaten Langkat
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Universitas Sumatera Utara
Manik, Andre Masago
Strategi Pengembangan 
2018-12-19 07:05:39 
Abstract :
Each company or business ventures needed- business development strategy in being executed.The study authors discuss title analysis, small business development strategy hence writers discussed in this research is how business development strategy adopted by retreival chiliya fungi. The purpose of doing research is to analyse and formulate an appropriate business development strategy to be applied in the Business Chiliya Mushrooms, identifying and evaluating the internal factors which became the strengths and weaknesses of Chiliya fungi and efforts to identify and evaluate the external factors which become opportunities and threats which affect the operational activity of fungal Chiliya efforts. The research method used is descriptive qualitative approach method. As for the key informants amounted to 1 person, the main Informant of 6 people, and additional informants amounted to 3 people. Data obtained from observations, interviews and studies library. The results of this research indicate that business development Strategies can be applied to business SWOT analysis based on Fungus Chiliya is a strategy SO, by way of harnessing all the power to seize the opportunities that exist, as for the strategy SO that manufacture products that exceed target production to meet market demand, utilizing existing human resources for the partnership with the suppliers of raw materials and exploit the environmental conditions of business and products that promise to get help from the local government. Internal factors the strengths and weaknesses of businesses Chiliya mushrooms. The power factor is comprised of a strategic location, competitive rates, quality of human resources is good, the mushrooms are produced have superior quality, and a spacious place of business. Downside factor consists of the lack of promotion, the less attractive packaging, still use a simple financial systems and technologies that are simple. External factors that become opportunities and threats. The factor consists of the number of opportunities an adequate supply, the market is wide open and the attention of the Government. The Threat factor consists of increases in fuel gas and the emergence of new competitors. 

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Universitas Sumatera Utara