Komunikasi Relawan dalam Memberdayakan Pengungsi Rohingya di Kota Langsa Provinsi Aceh
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Universitas Sumatera Utara
Putri, Desie Silviani
Komunikasi Antarpribadi 
2018-12-20 04:28:24 
Abstract :
This study was conducted to determine the communication volunteers in empowering the Rohingya refugees in terms of communication process, a form of communication that is done and the obstacles experienced volunteers in empowering communities Rohingya refugees in the city of Langsa in Aceh province. This study uses a constructivist paradigm using qualitative data. Data obtained by conducting interviews with seven informants. The results showed that the communication that occurs between the volunteers and the beginning of the arrival of Rohingya refugees using nonverbal communication (sign language), and when the activity took place empowerment using verbal communication and use images. Forms of Interpersonal communication and communication groups use volunteers when empower refugee communities in terms of interaction, motivation, socialization and discussions while the field of intercultural communication used volunteers in assessing the behavior of communities Rohingya refugees on perceptions and perspectives of volunteers who are influenced by the background of community life Rohingya refugees in country of origin. Communication that occurs is not effective because of differences in language. The language used at the beginning of the arrival of Rohingya refugee community that sign language. During the year the existence of the Rohingya refugee community in Langsa, little by little have mastered the vocabulary and some Indonesian words, but to empower them volunteers are not only communicate verbally, but also use posters and pictures, barriers volunteers in empowering the Rohingya refugees are language problems (semantic problem), the perspective and way of thinking is narrow (perceptual distorsion), and cultural differences (cultural differences) 

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Universitas Sumatera Utara