Universitas Sumatera Utara
Tafonao, Petrus Meiman Syukur
Pergeseran Status
2018-12-20 04:41:31
Abstract :
Research Bowo Marital shift determination on the Social Status in West Nias is a study of social change. Election title of this research was born from the concern bowo marital problems that have an impact on the position of women and poverty in West Nias. Moreover Determination bowo in Nias society no longer based on the customary status, but the status of women's education and wealth. Therefore, researchers formulate the research problem. First, how the shift in the marriage bowo determination of communities of West Niasbowo marriage and how it impacts on women and poverty in West Nias..
Based on research in West Nias, we propose that the determination bowo in West Nias people has experienced significant shifts. The shift was marked by the development of education and wealth, even the status of civil servants will determine the height of honesty demanded by the female parent. Researchers assess that Bosi that was used in marriage instead shifted toward education and wealth. This is caused by the Nias cultural understanding, especially bowo are still confusing dilakanganNias community itself. The second aspect that became the findings of the researchers is that the shift in bowo Determination wedding in Nias had a negative impact on the position of women in the mating system in Nias. Women in this case are less involved in the public sphere, primarily provide advice and input on bowo marriage in Nias. As a result of a great honesty in West Nias, many married couples live in a cycle of debt hereditary. The phenomenon of a note were married in a civil or marriage ran also be a result of very high jujuran marriage. Therefore, it needs to be socialized cultural values that are actually good from religious leaders, government and traditional leaders. Researchers also suggested that indigenous culture marriage is not eliminated, but rather simplified value of the materials needed daily.