Stabilisasi Oksidasi Termal pada Nanokomposit Olipropilena/Monmorilonite dengan Antioksidan Komersial dan Sintesa Antioksidan Amina Aromatis Sebagai Stabiliser yang Substantif pada Karet Alam Sirklis
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Universitas Sumatera Utara
Siregar, Arofah Megasari
2018-12-20 08:13:50 
Abstract :
Research has been done using the commercial antioxidants for the stabilization of thermal oxidation on the polymer nanocomposite PP and PP / MMT and modified aromatic amine antioxidant compound by the method of Michael addition and Friedel Craft's to produce antioxidants that can be tied to a chain of natural rubber cyclically. Nanocomposite preparation is done in an internal mixer at a temperatureof 180 C for 10 min and rotor speed of 65 rpm. Measurement of the degree of degradation degree of oxidation was measured by using FTIR besarn carbonyl index. Effect of antioxidant concentration has also been carried out in this research. Modification of antioxidant products were analyzed by FTIR method. This new antioxidant effectiveness in comparison with conventional antioxidants with FTIR test. The results obtained indicate that the antioxidant Piperidinol and B225 which is a mixture of Irganox 1010 / Irganox 1076 1: 1 is very effective to restrain the rate of degradation of the nanocomposite polypropylene and PP / MMT. While the antioxidant Irganox acid and Irganox Alcohol less effective. 

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Universitas Sumatera Utara