Peningkatan Produksi Padi Sawah (Oryza sativa L.) Melalui Dosis Pupuk Berdasarkan Indeks Hara Tanah di Desa Tanjung Rejo Kecamatan Percut Sei Tuan
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Universitas Sumatera Utara
Zahra’a, Zakiah
Padi Sawah 
2018-12-21 02:45:41 
Abstract :
The purpose of the study was to determine the increase of produktivity of paddy (Oryza sativa L.) trough the aplication of fertilizers based on soil nutrient index. This research was curried out in lawland Tanjung Rejo village district Percut Sei Tuan from May until September 2017. The experimental design used completely randomized desig with two factor with 3 times repetition. The first factor was fertilizer dose treatment (Urea, SP-36, KCl, and Dolomit) with 4 levels i.e. P1 = 121,36 gram/Plot, P2 161,82 gram/Plot, P3 = 202,27 gram/Plot, P4 = 242,73 gram/Plot and the second factor was based on soil nutrient index with 5 levels i.e.B1 = 80% (dose less 20%), B2 = 90% (dose less 10%), B3 = 100% (100% standart nutrient index), B4 = 110% (dose plus 10%), B5 = 120% (dose plus 20%). The result showed that P4 = 242,73 gram/Plot was the best fertilizer dose treatment, B2 = 90% (dose less 10%) and B5 = 120% ( dose plus 20%) was the best treatment of soil nutrient index. 

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Universitas Sumatera Utara