Abstract :
This study aims to determine the effect of Capital Structure (DER), Profitability (ROE), Growth Firm and Size Firm toward Firm Value on manufacturing companies in the Indonesia Stock Exchange. This research is associative research and the type of data used is quantitative data. The data used were obtained from the company's financial statements have been audited on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the study period. The population of this research are manufacturing companies period 2012-2016, which amounted to 134 companies. The sample in this study amounted to 51 companies. Technique of multiple linear regressions on panel data is used approach using Random Effect Model. The results of this study showed that simultaneous, DER, ROE, Growth Firm, and Size Firm simultaneously, significantly influence towards firm value on manufacturing companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange 2012-2016 period. Partial test in hypothesis result shows Capital Structure have positif effect and not significant to firm value (PBV), Profitability have positif effect and not significant to firm value (PBV), Growth Firm have negative and not significant to firm value (PBV), and Size Firm have negatif and significant to PBV on manufacturing companies which listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange during 2012-2016.