Abstract :
The purpose of this research is to identify strength factor, weakness, opportunity and threat in increasing the development of organic rice farming in desa Karang Anyar, kec. Beringin, kab. Deli Serdang.
The method of research is the method of analysis used in this study is the analysis of description and SWOT analysis. Respondents were taken using the census method that is as many as 15 people wholly become organic rice farmers.
The results showed that the position of strategy of development of organic rice farming in desa Karang Anyar, kec. Beringin, kab. Deli Serdang is in the first quadrant by taking advantage of opportunities to create strengths, whereby organic rice farming has opportunities (wide market demand, stable organic rice prices, supportive agricultural extension, adequate facilities and infrastructure, farmer group support, a unique taste, the need for organic rice and organic and non-organic rice production costs) by utilizing the strength (availability of adequate organic rice seeds, high availability of labor, certificates owned by organic rice groups, technological mastery, farmer motivation high, high experience of organic rice farmers and availability of fertilizers and vegetable pesticides).