Peranan Sektor Industri dalam Penyerapan Tenaga Kerja di Sumatera Utara
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Universitas Sumatera Utara
Nasution, Salwa
2018-12-27 02:08:05 
Abstract :
This researtch aims to find the impact of foreign investment, local investment, the industries, and the exports towords the employment in North Sumatera Province. The data uses the times series during 1997-2016,the useing of mulfiple regression is to find the impact of each variable. The result shaws that foreign investment, local investment, and the industries has simultanouslyhas the impact with crime. The determinant coeficient is 0,591 with 5% significancy (?=0,05), this shows that the variables has the impact to the crime as 59,1 % while other Factors Impact for 40,9%. Due to the t stat. Foreign Investment Is 0,048, has the positive effect and significant. The probability value of local investment is0,369, which means not significant.the ptobability value of industries is 0,299 has no significant effect. The probability value of export is 0,39 that is lower than the significancy value (0,05) this shows that these variables have no signifikant impact to the emoloyment. 

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Universitas Sumatera Utara