Abstract :
The researcher focuses on the Effectiveness of Village Fund Allocation Analysis in Sempajaya Berastagi Karo Village. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the allocation of funds in the village of Desa Sempajaya in all aspects of planning, implementation and accountability and management inhibiting factors.
The form of this research is descriptive research with qualitative approach where the data used in this research is primary data (directly to speakers) and subjects secondary data are people, BPD officials, and government of Sempajaya village. Data analysis method used is data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion.
The results show that there are three stages in the allocation of Village Fund Allocation in the first phase of Sempajaya village is planning, implementation, and accountability. All procedures are carried out correctly by the village government, the Bank and the community as well as the right to, but delay in report completion and the lack of accountability of the information obtained as part of the development process resulted in PKK park The effectiveness of the Sempajaya Village Allocation Fund was ineffective. In addition to the inhibiting factors of the effectiveness of the allocation of funds in the village there are three Sempajaya among other information, the disbursement of residual funds of ADD local government and human resources that affect the implementation process.