Universitas Sumatera Utara
Anggriani, Dewi Tri
Family Members, Hours of work, Path Analysis
2018-12-27 02:18:52
Abstract :
Objective of this research is to study women factory worker?s role in improving family?s income with operational hour as a Intervening Variable. Home income in tihid study is represented by salary from the women and the other family member that work.
The method used in this study is Path Analysis that developed from multiple linear regression analysis. This method describes the magnitude of the effect of the independent variable on indirectly bound variable.
The result from this research shows that women?s salary and family members have a positive effect and significant to the operasional hour of work. Woman?s salary and family members have a possitive effect and significant to the house total income. Total member of family have a positive effect and significant to the house income. Total working hours have a possitive effect and significant to the house income. Result of path analysis shows that woman?s salary indirectly gave a positive effect to house income with opersional hours as intervening variable and the total of family members indirectly gave a positive effect to house income with operational hours as a Intervening Variable.