Analisis Pengaruh Belanja Bidang Pendidikan dan Kesehatan terhadap Indeks Pembangunan Manusia di Provinsi Sumatera Utara
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Universitas Sumatera Utara
Naganegara, King Clinton
Human Development Index 
2018-12-27 02:28:40 
Abstract :
This study aims to analyze the effect of expenditureof education and health on the Human Development Index in Sumatera Utara Province. The data used in this study is the annual data that is converted into quarterly data with the interpolation method which is processed Education Sector Expenditures data, Health Sector Expenditure data and Human Development Index data by the 2008-2017 period, obtained from the Statistics Indonesia (BPS) and Directorate General of Fiscal Balance, the Ministry of Finance. The analysis used is descriptive quantitative with the data analysis technique of Multiple Linear Regression which is the method used to see the effect of Expenditure in Education Sector, Expenditurein Health Sector as an independent variable on the Human Development Index as the dependent variable. This research data is processed using Eviews 9.0. The results showed that thevariable of Education Sector Expenditure had a positive and insignificant effect on the Human Development Index in Sumatera Utara Province and the variable of Health Expenditure had a positive and significant effect on the Human Development Index in Sumatera Utara Province. 

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Universitas Sumatera Utara