Abstract :
Morbili (measles) is an acute viral infection, characterized by a high fever and a maculopapel rash that appears sequentially starting from the neck, face, trunk, upper and lower limbs. Based on statistical data from the Household Health Survey (SKRT) morbili ranks 5th out of 10 major diseases in infants (0.7%), 5th of 10 major diseases in children 1- 4 years (0.77%) . A qualitative descriptive research design without direct intervention to clients with a literature study approach, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the researchers took data from a research case in 2019. The results of the study showed that the client had a fever with a body temperature of 39.10C accompanied by a cold, cough with phlegm but difficult. discharge, appear red rash-like rash behind the ears, neck and whole body, decreased K child's appetite, vomiting of 2x clear mucus but no gap between the results and the theoretical review of the causes of impaired skin integrity. The implementation is doing massage techniques with baby oil rationally increasing tissue perfusion by massaging around the reddish area, cleaning, drying, and moisturizing the skin. The author did not evaluate because the author did not carry out direct implementation to the client, but the evaluation that can be achieved using massage techniques is expected to be effective and the results of the study show that there is a significant difference where the condition of the skin that is affected by standard practice has increased by 50% for the better. with the result of the P value = 0.000 (?0.05).
Keywords : Nursing Care, Children, Skin Integrity Disorders, Morbili, Massage