Abstract :
Dangue hemorrhagic fever is a contagious disease that often causes epidemics and causes death. DHF is an infectious disease by the dangue virus which is transmitted through the bite of the Aedes aegypt mosquito, characterized by a sudden high fever accompanied by bleeding manifestations and a tendency to cause shock and death. The research conducted by the author aims to obtain an overview of nursing care for clients who have the main problem of lack of fluid volume with dengue haemorragic fever. This research is a descriptive qualitative study without direct intervention to the client. This study uses data from research cases in 2019 and uses a literature study approach. From the results of the assessment and data analysis, it was found that priority nursing diagnoses were deficient in fluid volume associated with fluid transfer from intravascular to extravascular. In this scientific paper the authors describe the intervention in fluid administration in patients with DHF to meet their fluid needs. The description of this fluid administration is based on previous research and is part of nursing interventions. Based on the results of the authors' study, it can be concluded that giving fluids to patients with DHF is very helpful in meeting the fluid needs of patients with DHF. Suggestions for nurses in the hospital are expected to increase the need for fluids, especially in patients with deficient fluid volume with dengue haemorrhagic fever.
Keywords: Dangue Dengue Fever, Nursing Care, Lack of Fluid Volume