Gambaran Asuhan Keperawatan pada Klien yang mengalami Risiko Infeksi pada Post Apendiktomi di RS. AL Dr. Mintohardjo
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Akademi Keperawatan Berkala Widya Husada
Aziz, Fikry
RT Nursing 
2022-12-16 04:24:40 
Abstract :
Appendicitis is an acute inflammation of verniform appendicitis and is the most common cause for emergency abdominal surgery. Appendectomy is surgery or surgical removal of the appendix. infection is the entry of microorganisms that multiply in body tissues that cause inflammation. The purpose of this study was to get an overview of nursing care at Mr. A who is at risk of infection with post appendectomy surgery. The design of this study is a descriptive qualitative study without direct intervention to the patient. This study uses data from research cases in 2019 and uses a literature study approach. From the results of the assessment, it was found that the patient complained of pain in the lower right abdominal area of the operation scar. Pain arises gradually, felt when moved to a 7 pain scale. Feels like prickling. Less pain when given medication and brought to rest. Nursing diagnoses are acute pain associated with physical injuring agents, risk of infection associated with surgical incision wounds, and risk of fluid imbalance associated with surgical procedures. This scientific paper describes interventions that can be applied to patients experiencing post appendectomy pain, namely performing clean wound care using NaCl 0.9%.The evaluation obtained from the results of previous studies showed that postoperative wound care using Nacl 0.9% gave effectiveness in the process of surgical wound healing. Based on this, it is advisable for nurses to provide postoperative wound care with the correct technique and use 0.9% Nacl. Key words: Post appendectomy surgery, nursing care, risk of infection 
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Akademi Keperawatan Berkala Widya Husada