Abstract :
Asthma is a heterogeneous disease, characterized by chronic inflammation of the respiratory tract. This is determined by the presence of symptoms of respiratory disorders such as mengi, breathless breathing, chest felt heavy/depressed, and cough, which varies in time and intensity, followed by the limitations of varying airflow. Therefore, the orphanage aims to obtain a picture of nursing care in the client has a major problem is that it is not effective clearance the path of respiratory medical diagnosis of asthma. The method used is the design of a qualitative descriptive research without direct intervention on the client with a literature study approach, regarding the situation of the pandemic time Covid-19, then the author can not meet directly with the client. The research was conducted in literature by retrieving data from the research case of 2019. The results of the study obtained the client data experienced shortness of breath, the client complained of limg body, cough with phlegm content of white phlegm, nausea, and vomiting. Based on the results of the study of clients experiencing the main problem of ineffectiveness clearance the way of breathing with medical diagnosis of asthma and no gaps between cases and theories. The intervention given to overcome the problem is not effective clearance the breath of Chest Physiotherapy (clapping) to help issue a secret on the path of the client's breath. In the study was not conducted evaluation because the implementation was not carried out directly to the client so that at the evaluation stage was given an overview based on literature study. The action was in accordance with the study of theoretical Literature Isnu Fauzi (2010) indicates there is a difference in the production of sputum in children before and after given chest physiotherapy action (clapping) with the value of P-value 0,000 > 0.05. Advice to nurses to further enhance self-action to help remove the secretions present in the client with asthma.
Keywords : Child Nursing Care, Asthma, Ineffectiveness Clearance Airway, Chest Physiotherapy (Clapping)