Abstract :
Bronchopneumonia is inflammation of the lungs that affects one or more lobes of the lungs which is characterized by infiltrating spots caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and foreign bodies. The author makes this report which aims to obtain a direct and comprehensive description of the implementation of nursing care in children who experience ineffective airway cleaning with bronchopneumonia at Meilia Cibubur Hospital, covering biopsychososio and spiritual with the process of nursing care approaches. The nursing care plan was made by the author referring to the 2017 SIKI (Indonesian Nursing Intervention Standards) theory, the IDHS (Indonesian Nursing Diagnosis Standards) and 2018 PPNI. resolved, the client's nutritional needs are met and the patient's sleep quality returns to normal. It is hoped that medical officers can provide better service and produce satisfying services for patients. With this research, it is hoped that nurses can spend time in providing education to patients and their families, providing motivation and support, so that patients do not experience depression or anxiety about their illness.
Keywords: Bronchopneumonia, Ineffective Airway Cleansing, Nursing Care