Gambaran Asuhan keperawtan pada klien anak yang megalami masalah keperawatan hipertermi dengan thypoid
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Akademi Keperawatan Berkala Widya Husada
Waldi, Leo
RT Nursing 
2022-12-16 04:24:04 
Abstract :
Fever Typhoid (Abdominalis, enteric fever) is an infectious disease usually found in the gastrointestinal tract with a fever symptom of one week or more accompanied by Typhoid fever disorder caused by Salmonella typhy. The disease is transmitted through the consumption of foods and beverages that have been contaminated by the stool and urine of infected persons. The purpose of this research is to do the picture of nursing care to clients and families with the medical treatment of thypoid with hypertermi treatment problem at RS Meilia Cibubur. The design of the research used qualitative deskriftif without direct intervention to the client with a literature study approach that uses data from the library source. The results of the patient's study have a grievous complaint of fever since 4 days ago nausea, vomiting, cough, colds and dizziness. Interventions carried out for hyperthermi with Thypoid is to conduct paracetamol medication while the implementation of the client with Hyperthermi with Thypoid is effective because it is able to lower the client's body temperature from 39 °c to 36-37 °c. The author does not evaluate because the author does not conduct direct implementation to the child's clients, but the evaluation can be achieved by conducting antipyretic administration of paracetamol drugs can decrease the client's body temperature from 39 ° C to 36-37 °c. Nurses are expected to provide superior service services to clients independently. Keywords: thypoid, nursing children, Hypertermi 
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Akademi Keperawatan Berkala Widya Husada