Abstract :
Hepatitis is a general term that refers to inflammation that occurs in the liver. Hepatitis is generally caused by a viral infection, although it can also be caused by other conditions. Acute pain is a sensory or emotional experience related to actual or functional tissue damage, with sudden or slow onset and mild to severe intensity lasting less than 3 months (PPNI 2016). The purpose of this study was to obtain nursing care in clients who experience acute pain with hepatitis at Pasar Rebo Hospital, East Jakarta by using a descriptive qualitative research design without intervention with literature studies so that the authors took 2019 KTI case data. The priority for diagnosing nursing problems is acute pain. , an intervention that can be applied to patients experiencing acute pain is teaching deep breath relaxation techniques to reduce acute pain levels. The author did not evaluate because the author did not implement it, but the evaluation obtained based on previous research showed that the provision of deep breath relaxation techniques can reduce pain levels. Based on the description above, it is advisable for nurses to further increase independent action such as teaching relaxation techniques to help reduce pain in acute pain patients with hepatitis.
Key words: Hepatitis, Acute Pain, Method