Abstract :
Bronchopneumonia is inflammation of the lungs that affects one or more lobes of the lungs which is characterized by infiltrating spots caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and foreign bodies. The aim of the study was to obtain a description of nursing care in infant clients who experienced ineffective airway clearance with brocopneumonia at Pasar Rebo Hospital. This research method uses descriptive qualitative without direct intervention to patients with a literature study approach. This study uses data from secondary data sources and literature studies, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, data taken from research cases in 2019. The results of the study found data on the main complaints of cough with phlegm, accompanied by colds, shortness (+), trigger factors. There is no known effort to reduce the pain, immediately taken to the hospital, the client coughs with phlegm accompanied by a cold, shortness of breath (+), is fussy during nursing actions, S: 36 ° C, N: 136 x / minute, Rr: 25 x / minute, awareness composmentis, the client looks coughing, the client looks congested, the client has 2 liters of O2 installed. Found 3 diagnoses in By.M with priority problems, namely the diagnosis of ineffective airway clearance. One of the interventions was chest physiotherapy with the claping technique. The evaluation was not carried out directly to the patient, but based on existing outcome criteria and based on the results of previous studies the evaluation that could be achieved by performing chest physiotherapy was found to be effective in helping to overcome the ineffective airway clearance problem that had an effect. Based on the research, the results of the bivariate analysis show that the p value is 0.000 0.025, so Ho is rejected, it can be concluded that the sputum removal before and after chest physiotherapy is relatively different or chest physiotherapy is effective in removing sputum. Nurses should provide better service by providing maximum service, especially for patients in children's rooms with bronchopneumonia problems.
Keyword :Bronchopneumonia With Ineffective Airway Cleansing, Chest Clapping Physiotherapy