Asuhan keperawatan pada klien yang mengalami gangguan mobilitas fisik dengan stroke hemoragik Di RSAL Dr.Mintohardjo Jakarta Pusat
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Akademi Keperawatan Berkala Widya Husada
Sari, Ripda Cahya
RT Nursing 
2022-12-16 04:03:51 
Abstract :
Stroke is one of the important health problems and needs attention. In addition to the increasing number of cases, stroke can cause a decrease in the quality of life of the sufferer. Stroke or known as cerebrovascular disease, is a neurological disease that occurs due to disruption of blood supply to the brain. Stroke is simply defined as a brain disease caused by stopping of the blood supply to the brain due to blockage or bleeding with symptoms of weakness, temporary paralysis, or severe symptoms until loss of consciousness. Symptoms of a mild stroke can be recognized, such as frequent, unexplained, mild tingling, headache or mild vertigo, sudden difficulty moving your mouth and difficulty speaking, one-sided paralysis and sudden senile and slurred. The purpose of this study was to obtain an overview of nursing care for Mrs. S. with hemorrhagic stroke. The design of this study is a descriptive qualitative study without direct intervention to the patient. This study used data from a case study in 2019 and used a literature study approach and the results of the study found that the patient's family said the patient fell suddenly in his front yard, after the fall the patient did not want to eat and talk, both legs were weak, the patient was unconscious. myself for 2 days. Nursing diagnosis is impaired cerebral tissue perfusion associated with impaired blood flow secondary to increased intracranial pressure, impaired physical mobility associated with neumoscular damage, self-care deficits associated with hemiparase /hemiplegic, impaired verbal communication associated with loss of facial or oral muscle control. This scientific paper describes an intervention that can be applied to patients with impaired physical mobility, namely providing Passive ROM therapy to improve or maintain muscle flexibility and strength, and is useful for assessing the ability of the joints and muscles to move. The evaluation that the author can convey based on the results of philanthropic research (2015) proves that practicing twice a day in 6 days with a time of 10-15 minutes will affect the respondent. Improving nerve function is the goal of early supportive nurses through physical therapy. The author provides suggestions for nurses to further improve the passive ROM measures, especially in patients with impaired physical mobility with hemorrhagic stroke. Keywords: Hemorrhagic Stroke, Nursing Care. 
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Akademi Keperawatan Berkala Widya Husada