Gambaran Asuhan Keperawatan Pada Anak Yang Mengalami Tidak Efektifnya Bersihan Jalan Nafas Dengan Bronkopneumonia
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Akademi Keperawatan Berkala Widya Husada
Wahyuni, Sri
RT Nursing 
2022-12-16 04:01:18 
Abstract :
Bronchopneumonia is a lung infection caused by bacteria, fungi and viruses. The disease causes suffocation so that it can cause the child to die. Fadhila (2013) explains that bronchopneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs that affects one or more lobes of the lungs which are characterized by infiltrates caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and foreign bodies. The incidence of this disease in developing countries is almost 30% in children under 5 years of age with a high risk of death. Based on WHO data, acute lower respiratory tract infections in 2000 caused 2.1 million deaths of children under 5 years of age. The incidence of pneumonia in Indonesia in children under five is estimated to be between 10% -20% per case year. A qualitative descriptive research design without direct intervention to the client because with a literature study approach , because it was during the COVID 19 pandemic , the researchers took data from a research case in 2019. The results obtained from the study were that the client was congested with a respiratory rate of 67x / minute, fever with a body temperature of 38.3 C, there was a right pulmonary breath sound, non-productive cough, irregular breathing rhythm, decreased appetite for N children, but there was no gap between the results and the theoretical review of the causes of bronchopneumonia. The implementation is carried out by implementing effective cough techniques by rationally clapping the chest to provide cough effectively. The author does not evaluate because the author does not carry out direct implementation on the client, but the evaluation that can be achieved using da da physiotherapy techniques with calping is expected to be effective and the results of the research show a significant difference where the ineffective airway cleaning shows a better direction with p value results. = 0.00 (<0.05). Nurses should provide maximum service by implementing nursing care. Key words: Pediatric Nursing Care, Bronchopneumonia 
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Akademi Keperawatan Berkala Widya Husada