Gambaran Asuhan Keperawatan Pada Klien Hipertensi Dengan Penerapan Teknik Relaksasi Nafas Dalam Terhadap Penurunan Tekanan Darah Didaerah Cileungsi
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Akademi Keperawatan Berkala Widya Husada
Ashari, Allinda Fira
RT Nursing 
2022-12-16 06:40:44 
Abstract :
Hypertension is a non-communicable disease that can cause death. Categorize this disease as the silent disease because the patient does not know he has hypertension before checking his blood pressure. The research conducted by the author aims to obtain an overview of nursing care in 2 clients with an age range of 50-55 years, having hypertension nursing problems. This study uses a descriptive qualitative design with a case study and intervention approach. After conducting a nursing assessment on Mrs. M Complaints founddizziness head to neck, sudden weakness, nausea, BP: 150/90 mmHg, N: 85×/minute, RR: 24×/minute. S:36?C and at Mrs. N found complaints of dizziness up to the neck, pain like stabbing, body feels weak, feels dizzy when doing activities, BP: 160/90 mmHg, N: 80×/minute, RR: 24×/minute, S: 36.2?C. Found 3 nursing diagnoses on Ny.M and Mrs.N. On the priority problem, namely the nursing diagnosis of risk of decreased cardiac output in both clients, the author takes independent action to provide deep breath relaxation 3×visit. At the evaluation stage of the three nursing diagnoses owned by the two clients, it was carried out according to planning and the last evaluation obtained was resolved according to the results criteria in 3×24 hours. The application of deep breathing relaxation by researchers turned out to have an effect on reducing blood pressure in hypertensive clients. Keywords: Hypertension, Deep Breathing Relaxation 
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Akademi Keperawatan Berkala Widya Husada