Abstract :
Gastroenteritis is a condition in which a person defecates with a soft or liquid consistency and the frequency is more than 3 times a day. The research conducted by the author aims to obtain an overview of nursing care for 2 clients and 2 families who have the same characteristics as age, have the main problem of Electrolyte Imbalance Risk and medical diagnosis of Gastroenteritis. The design used was descriptive qualitative with a case study approach using intervention. Nursing problems that are at risk of electrolyte imbalance with a medical diagnosis of gastroenteritis. At the nursing planning stage, it is adjusted to the client's condition, which is carried out to overcome the risk of electrolyte imbalance, one of which is to provide a sugar-salt solution to prevent dehydrationand help form energy, and provide honey which affects the frequency of bowel movements and consistency in children under five with gastroenteritis. The implementation of nursing carried out is giving ORS, complementary therapy for giving honey where based on previous research journals that giving ORS and honey done to pediatric clients is quite effective because it can accelerate the healing of gastroenteritis. At the evaluation stage, it was found that after nursing actions the risk of electrolyte imbalance did not occur. Nurses are expected to provide more excellent service to patients independently.Keywords: Gastroenteritis, child care, Risk of Electrolyte Imbalance, Complementary Therapy of giving honey.
Keywords: Gastroenteritis, pediatric nursing, risk of electrolyte imbalance, complementary therapy with honey