Abstract :
Epilepsy is a complex symptom of many disorders of brain function characterized by repeated seizures due to excessive and reversible electrical discharge of the brain. Seizures are the result of uncontrolled electrical discharge from the cerebral cortex nerve cells characterized by sudden attacks, mild disturbances of consciousness, motor activity, or disturbance of sensory phenomena. Children with epilepsy will usually get impaired intelligence function, understanding language and impaired cognitive function. The impact of epilepsy on children will make a significant difference to IQ. According to WHO (2015) Epilepsy is 80% worldwide, with an incidence of 3.5?10.7/1000 population in developed countries.Aim a case study to obtain an overview of nursing care in pediatric clients who are at risk of injury with epilepsy in the Dahlia Room at Pasar Rebo Hospital. Research methods This study uses a qualitative descriptive design, with a case study and intervention approach. The research place was in the dahlia room of Pasar Rebo Hospital in May and June 2021. The results of the study after nursing actions were carried out for 3 x 24 hours found the same diagnosis from both clients, namelyRisk for injury related to changes in cognitive function (discontinuous seizure activity), the intervention in this case is in accordance with the theory as for the implementation of the risk of injury, one of which is installing a bed barrier, and collaboration in the provision of anti-seizure drugs where this action is very effective in reducing the risk of injury to children with epilepsy. At the evaluation stage for both clients everything was resolved with the result that the injury did not occur. The conclusion is that there is a success of Nursing Care on clients so that nursing problems in clients withRisk for injury related to changes in cognitive function (discontinuous seizure activity). Suggestions for families to better understand what seizures are and how to deal with seizures, one of which is by knowing the cause of seizures in their children.
Keywords: Child Nursing Care, Epilepsy, Risk of Injury to Children