Gambaran Asuhan Keperawatan Pada Klien An.F Dan An.H yang mengalami Gangguan Rasa Nyaman Nyeri Dengan DHF Di RSUD Pasar Rebo.
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Akademi Keperawatan Berkala Widya Husada
Wijaya, Mailani Putri
RT Nursing 
2022-12-16 06:58:46 
Abstract :
Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever is a disease that is transmitted through mosquito bites from the genus Aedes, especially Aedes aegypti or Aedes albopictus which can appear throughout the year and can attack all age groups (Health, 2019). Data from Pasar Rebo Hospital showed that the incidence of DHF in children in 2019 totaled 121 cases of DHF, while in 2020 it increased by 0.16%, so that DHF was categorized as a dangerous and contagious disease. The purpose of this study was to find out the description of nursing care for 2 child clients and 2 families who have the same characteristics as age, have nursing problems, pain comfort disorders and medical diagnoses of DHF. Methods This research uses a qualitative descriptive design with a case study and intervention approach. The research site is in the Dahlia room at Pasar Rebo Hospital in May 2021. The action to be taken on clients with nursing problems with pain comfort disorders is with deep breathing relaxation techniques. Where deep breathing techniques can reduce anxiety in children and reduce pain intensity according to (Arfa, 2013). From the results of research conducted on clients, it was found that the problem of discomfort and pain was resolved by using deep breathing relaxation techniques and collaboration in the administration of analgesic drugs. Conclusion: Handling pediatric clients with nursing problems with pain comfort disorders in DHF, the results showed that comfort disorders were resolved with a pain scale 2. The effect of giving analgesic drugs and deep breathing relaxation techniques was effective in reducing pain intensity. Suggestion: It is hoped that this deep breathing relaxation technique can be applied in the provision of nursing care with nursing problems of discomfort and pain and can be done by the family independently at home. Keywords: DHF, pain discomfort, deep breathing relaxation techniques 
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Akademi Keperawatan Berkala Widya Husada