Abstract :
Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever is an infectious disease caused by the dengue virus, which mainly attacks children with sudden high fever, accompanied by bleeding manifestations and has the potential to cause shock and death. The risk of bleeding is the risk of a decrease in blood volume that can interfere with health. The risk factors listed are Thrombocytopenia below the normal value, the normal value is 217-457 10^3/uL
One of the non-pharmacological therapies that can be given to patients who are at risk of bleeding in DHF is complementary therapy, independent action that can be carried out by nurses to help the client's family by recommending drinking guava juice. To increase the platelet value. Aims to gain real experience in treating clients at risk of bleeding with DHF and improve health status with the method used namely descriptive qualitative design with case study and intervention approaches. After performing nursing care for both clients who are at risk of bleeding with DHF, one cause is found according to the same theory, which is caused by a humid environment. From the nursing care carried out on client 1, 3 diagnoses were found and client 2 found 3 diagnoses also with the main priority being DHF with the risk of bleeding. Of the 6 diagnoses between client 1 and client 2 which were found there was 1 nursing diagnosis that did not occur in client 2, the risk of bleeding was related to coagulation disorders (decreased platelets). Based on the results of research that has been carried out, the authors give suggestions to nurses to further improve independent actions to help increase the platelet value of clients with DHF
Keywords: DHF, pediatric nursing, bleeding risk, health education.