Abstract :
Typhoid fever (enteric fever) is an acute infectious disease that usually affects the digestive tract with symptoms of fever for more than one week, digestive disorders, and impaired consciousness (Titik Lestari, 2016). The purpose of this study was to obtain an overview of nursing care for 2 pediatric clients and 2 family clients who had problems with hyperthermia with typhoid patients at RSAU dr. Space Esnawan. This research method uses a qualitative descriptive approach with a case study and intervention approach. Actions that will be taken on clients with hyperthermia nursing problems are by giving warm water compresses. Where to give a warm compress can reduce fever in children. The conclusion of this scientific paper is that warm compresses can reduce fever in typhoid patients. Sara for nurses is expected to be able to apply this technique of giving warm water compresses in providing nursing care with hyperthermia nursing problems and can be done by the family independently at home.
Keywords: Key words: typhoid fever, hyperthermia, warm water compress