Gambaran Asuhan Keperawatan Pada Klien An. Z dan An. G Yang Mengalami Hipertermia Dengan Dengue Heamorrhagic Fever Di RSUD Pasar Rebo Jakarta
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Akademi Keperawatan Berkala Widya Husada
Fitriani, Indah
RT Nursing 
2022-12-20 08:26:44 
Abstract :
Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever is an infectious disease caused by dengue virus in- fection which is transmitted through the bite of the Aedes Aegypti mosquito which is characterized by symptoms of fever, muscle pain, joint pain, leukopenia, head- ache, thrombocytopenia and usually accompanied by bleeding spots (petechiae). The purpose of this study was to determine the description of nursing care for 2 child clients and 2 families who have the same characteristics as male sex, school age, have the main problem of hyperthermia with a medical diagnosis of Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever. The research design used is descriptive qualitative with a case study and intervention approach. After conducting a nursing assessment on An. Z and An. G found complaints of fever, dizziness and weakness. Found 3 diag- noses in both clients, where the priority diagnosis is the nursing diagnosis of Hy- perthermia related to the disease process. One of the independent actions taken is giving warm compresses with a frequency of 1x a day for 10-15 minutes. Giving a warm compress is done when the client's body temperature has a fever. At the eval- uation stage of the three nursing diagnoses owned by the two clients, it was carried out according to the planning and the final evaluation obtained was resolved ac- cording to the criteria of 3 x 24 hours. Giving a warm compress that has been done by the author turned out to be effective in helping to overcome the problem of hy- perthermia with the result that body temperature decreases. Based on the results of the research that has been carried out, the authors give suggestions to nurses to further improve independent actions in helping to overcome hyperthermia in pedi- atric clients with Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever. Keywords: Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever, Hyperthermia, Warm Compress. 
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Akademi Keperawatan Berkala Widya Husada