Gambaran Asuhan Keperawatan Pada klien ibu post op sectio caesarea dengan gangguan rasa nyaman nyeri Di RSAU DR.Esnawan Antariksa
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Akademi Keperawatan Berkala Widya Husada
Murtasiah, Intan
RT Nursing 
2022-12-20 08:28:06 
Abstract :
Sectio caesarea is a surgical delivery process in which incisions are made in the mother's abdomen (laparotomy) and uterus (hysterectomy) to remove the baby. The research conducted by the author aims to obtain an overview of nursing care for 2 clients who have the main problem of pain in post-operative caesarean section mothers. This research uses a descriptive qualitative design with a case study and intervention approach. After an assessment of 2 clients, Mrs. M and Mrs. L, they found complaints of pain in the postoperative wound in the right lower abdomen. Mrs. M and Mrs. L found the same 2 nursing diagnoses. In the priority problem, namely nursing diagnoses, acute pain associated with physical injury agents against this diagnosis the author has taken independent action, namely providing deep breath relaxation techniques using lavender aromatherapy with a frequency of 1x a day for + 20 minutes. at the evaluation stage of the two nursing diagnoses owned by the two clients, it was carried out according to the planning and the final evaluation obtained was resolved according to the 3x24 hour time criterion. Lavender aromatherapy that has been done by the author turned out to be effective in helping to overcome the problem of pain which has the effect of decreasing the degree of pain, namely the results of the pain scale on Mrs. M 3 and the pain scale on Mrs. L 2. Based on the results of research that has been carried out the author gives advice to nurses to further improve independent measures to help reduce pain in postoperative SC patients. Keywords: Sectio caesarea, pain, lavender aromatherapy 
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Akademi Keperawatan Berkala Widya Husada