Gambaran Asuhan Keperawatan pada Ny. Y dan Ny. I Yang Mengalami Menyusui Tidak Efektif Dengan Post Partum Normal di RSAU Dr. Esnawan Antariksa
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Akademi Keperawatan Berkala Widya Husada
Saputri, Lala Rizky Ayu
RT Nursing 
2022-12-20 08:28:52 
Abstract :
The puerperium period or it can also be called the puerperium period is the time when the placenta comes out and ends when the uterine organs return to their original state (before pregnancy) and the puerperium period is calculated from the delivery of the placenta to 6 weeks. The research conducted by the author aims to obtain an overview of nursing care for 2 postpartum clients who have the same characteristics as normal postpartum, have problems with inadequate breast milk supply with ineffective nursing diagnoses. The design used was descriptive qualitative with a case study approach and intervention. After the nursing assessment, Mrs. Y and Mrs. I was found complaining of breast milk not coming out on the first day. Found 3 diagnoses in both clients. On the priority problem, namely the nursing diagnosis of Ineffective Breastfeeding on both clients, the author takes independent action by giving oxytocin massage therapy with a frequency of 2x a day for 10 minutes. Giving oxytocin massage therapy is done with the help of the client's family. At the evaluation stage of the three nursing diagnoses owned by the two clients, it was carried out according to planning and the final evaluation obtained was resolved according to the 3x24 hour time criterion. Administration of oxytocin massage therapy that has been carried out by the author was found to be effective in helping to overcome the problem of ineffective breastfeeding. Based on the results of research that has been carried out, the authors provide advice to nurses and clients' families in helping to giving oxytocinmassage overcome Ineffective Breastfeeding on clients with normal postpartum. Keywords: Normal Post Partum, Ineffective Breastfeeding, Oxytocin Massage 
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Akademi Keperawatan Berkala Widya Husada