Abstract :
The postpartum period (Post Partum) is the period that begins after the birth of the placenta and ends when the uterus returns to its original state as before pregnancy, which lasts for 6 weeks or 42 days. During the recovery period, the mother will experience many physical changes that are physiological and provide a lot of discomfort at the beginning of the postpartum period, which does not rule out the possibility of becoming pathological if it is not followed by good care. The research conducted by the author aims to obtain an overview of nursing care for 2 postpartum maternal clients who have the same characteristics as having a wound on the perineum, having the main problem of Post Partum Discomfort. The design used was descriptive qualitative with a case study and intervention approach. After conducting a nursing assessment, Mrs. Y and Mrs. A found complaints of pain in the perineum with different scales. Found 3 diagnoses in both clients. On the priority problem, namely the nursing diagnosis of Post Partum Discomfort in both clients, the author takes independent action by providing deep breath relaxation therapy with a frequency of 3 times a day in 3 days carried out for 5 minutes. At the evaluation stage of the three nursing diagnoses owned by the two clients, it was carried out according to planning and the final evaluation obtained was resolved according to the 3x24 hour time criterion. Giving breath relaxation therapy in helping to overcome the problem of Post Partum Discomfort in the form of pain with the result that the client says the pain is reduced. Based on the results of research that has been carried out, the authors give advice to clients to further improve independent actions in providing deep breath relaxation therapy, in helping to overcome the client's Post Partum Discomfort.
Keywords : The puerperium (post partum), Post Partum Discomfort, Deep breath relaxation therapy