Gambaran Asuhan Keperawatan Pada Klien An.A Dan An.C Yang Mengalami Hipertermi Dengan Demam Typhoid Di Rs Bhayangkara Brimob
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Akademi Keperawatan Berkala Widya Husada
Nuha, Mayoda Ajib Ulin
RT Nursing 
2022-12-16 03:37:03 
Abstract :
Typhoid fever is a condition where the body temperature exceeds the fixed point of more than 37 which is usually caused by body or external conditions that create more heat than can be exhaled by the body Thypoid fever is still an important health problem in various countries, especially developing countries salmonella thypi able to live in the human body ,which generally has poor hygiene conditions. Hyperthermy is a state of above-normal body temperature as a result of an increase in the temperature control center in the hypothalamus. Thypoid fever has a different characteristic Typoid Fever is also known as Typhus abdominalis, Typhoid fever, or enteric fever.which means fever elevates until the end of the first week high fever ranges from 39 °C to 40 ° C, indigestion and disturbance of consciousness . Warm water compress is more effective to lower body temperature warm water compress can facilitate blood circulation so that blood flow and oxygen supply more easily reach the diseased area. The purpose of the case study was to obtain a Picture of Nursing Care in toodler clients who experienced hyperthermi with Thypoid Fever in the RsBhayangkara Brimob Space Parkit Room. Research methods used are a form of interview case study, observation and physical examination, and documentation studies, the results of research after the nursing action for 3x24 hours and the diagnosis that appears namely hyperthermy, nutritional changes, anxiety andintolerance of activity one of the actions performed on the diagnosis of warm compress hypertermi with a frequency of 3 x a day is done for 15-20 minutes. Warmcompresses on the forehead, armpits and thigh folds with a frequency of 3 times a day is carried out for 15-20 minutes. indicates that the warm water compress is more effective to lower body temperature.later in the implementation has been in accordance with the expected plan. Conclusion is the implementation of nursing care in An.A and An.C who have hyperthermia with typhoid fever at RS Bhayangkara Brimob east Depok on Keywords: typhoid fever nursing care, hyperthermia, warm compress. 
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Akademi Keperawatan Berkala Widya Husada