Abstract :
Dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) or better known as Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF). It is one of the public health problems in Indonesia where the number of sufferers tends to increase and is widespread. A disease caused by infection carried by Aedes Aegyepti's nymuk which causes acute fever for 2 to 7 days with patients who appear lethargic and body temperature reaches 400c and is biphasic, i.e. the heat will drop on the 3rd or 4th day but the next day go up again. The purpose of this study was to get a description of the nursing care of Mr. R with dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF). The research design is a qualitative, descriptive study without direct intervention to the patient. This study uses data from cases in 2019 and uses a literature study approach from the results of the assessment in which patients complained of high fever since 2 days before entering the hospital. The client says nausea, dizziness, coughs, the client says no appetite, every meal runs out ¼ portion of food, the nursing diagnosis is hyperthermia is related to the disease process, nutritional deficits less than body requirements associated with inadequate intake, fluid volume deficit is related to intake Inadequate, the risk of bleeding is associated with inherent coagulatives (thrombocytopenia). In this scientific paper, he describes interventions that can be applied to patients with hyperthermia, namely warm compresses, encouraging wearing thin clothes and limiting physical activity. The conclusion from the results of nursing actions such as providing warm compresses recommends clients to drink a lot of 1000 cc to 2000 cc per day, giving intravenous fluids, giving antipyretic drugs and transfusions if the Hb and Ht decrease. During three days of hospitalization, the maximum result has been given, namely the client's body temperature is within the normal range. The author gives suggestions to nurses to further improve independent action, namely clients who experience hyperthermia with dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF).
Keywords: DHF, Hyperthermia, Warm Compress and Nursing Care.