Abstract :
Vocational High School Bina Jaya is one of vocational education intermediate level as continued Senior High School where is the learning process still face to face directly in class. The learning process carried out in class is very limited its time because, the teacher usually gives instructions to all students about the material that will be studied at that time which makes students limited its time to ask questions and defect the material submitted by the teacher. The existence information and communication technology at this time will make it easier to get a learning because, there is facility that can be accessed through internet media. Where, the process can be done anywhere and anytime, one of the information and communication technology media that can be applied in E-Learning learning. E-Learning is a medium of learning that is carried out over long distances and must use an internet connection to run it.
The purpose of this Research to implement an online E-Leraning system using software moodle which nature of open source and free. Learning Moodle E-Learning is a web- based application that privides online learning services. The research Method used is qualitative data (data about activity of student and teacher) and quantitative data (data about student learning outcomes at the end of each cycle). Technique for collect the data use observation, interviews, and documentations, and also use the method of developing Rapid Application Development (RAD). The Result obtained from this research are the existence interaction between teacher and students in the learning process. Besides that, E-Learning also functions as a discussion forum between teacher and students, and can be used as online's quiz, so that all activities in the learning process become more effetive.