TA : Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pengunjung Perpustakaan pada Badan Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Provinsi Jawa Timur
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Universitas Dinamika
Sari, Mirajtannia Perwita
Sulistiowati . (LECTURER ID : .)
Julianto Lemantara (LECTURER ID : .)
650 Management & auxiliary services 
2015-05-15 09:06:19 
Abstract :
Library and Archival Agency of East Java province is public libraries belonging to the province of East Java. Measuring service quality in library and Archival Agency of East Java is done by handing out questionnaires to visitors. The questionnaire is still not able to reflect the quality of service in accordance with the standards. In addition the library had trouble to find out the factors that affect the quality of service. This resulted in the management difficulties in performing the service quality improvement library. Analysis influence the quality of service to visitors complacence library is the right solution to overcome the problems found in the regional library and chancery east java province.Analysis aims to improve the contents of a questionnaire with guided by standard used by libraries, the act of no. 43 / 2007 on the library. And laws no. 25 / 2009 on public services. The result of processing the questionnaire based on the five factors of the quality of service that is distributed to 150 respondents pointed out that factors that affect the satisfaction of visitors was to physical appearance and responsiveness. Multiple correlation of variables of the physical display, responsiveness, reliability, assurance and empathy towards the satisfaction of library visitors have rated the influence of 76.5% which means exposure to the five factors of the quality of service to the satisfaction of the visitors have a relationship that is quite closely. 
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Universitas Dinamika