TA : Pembuatan Media Interaktif Pembelajaran Tentang Pemanfaatan Alam sebagai Energi Alternatif
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Universitas Dinamika
Pratama, Luky Wahyu
Karsam . (LECTURER ID : .)
Sutikno . (LECTURER ID : .)
000 Computer science, knowledge & systems 
2015-05-15 09:52:11 
Abstract :
Interactive Multimedia is media that consists of many components or media are connected to each other and are able to interact (Wirasamodra, 2008). Teaching media in the form of interactive multimedia has the ability to store audio-visual data, create interactive multimedia as a learning medium. This is motivated by the importance given new learning from books, lectures and the like. Which method is considered less than optimal for the school children to quickly understand. Hence the need for learning created an interactive CD. Natural resources is starting to thin it should be considered properly. And now it has a lot of work done to keep one of them with the utilization of alternative energy. Because it is made of interactive learning about the importance of keeping nature that is easily understood by children grades 1-3 include the use of alternative energy. Making interactive learning aims to provide knowledge to elementary school children about the various ways to preserve natural resources . The method will be used in the manufacture of this interactive is SDLC. Later it will feature interactive learning how to work and part of the alternative power plants . With the establishment of interactive learning is expected to provide knowledge on elementary school children about natural resources and how to preserve it. 
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Universitas Dinamika