TA : Segmentasi Kelengkungan Tulang Belakang Pada Penderita Skoliosis Menggunakan Charged Particle Model
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Universitas Dinamika
Mujahidin, Alif Aziz
Susijanto Tri Rasmana (LECTURER ID : .)
610 Medical sciences; Medicine 
2015-06-22 03:56:41 
Abstract :
Scoliosis is a spinal deformity that will bend to the C form or S form. Diagnosis of the cobb angle properlycan determine the continuation of the healing process of patient with scoliosis. The diagnosis of spinal curvature currently is done manually by orthopedic, thus providing an error and lack of precision of cobb angle measurement. The development of image processing currently provides a solution of the problems. In this research, made an application for doing a spinal segmentation. Segmentation method is using Charged Particle Model (CPM). To assist the process of segmentation added a pre-processing method using Gaussian cropping and Modified Tophat filter. This application can do the spinal curvature segmentation in some form of spinal. The result of measurement using PSNR method is approximately 12,4213 dB and this is a poor result. 
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Universitas Dinamika