TA : Sistem Evaluasi Siswa Berbasis Web Pada Primagama Cabang Malang
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Universitas Dinamika
Kusumawardhana, Wisnu Mahendra Data
Titik Lusiani (LECTURER ID : .)
650 Management & auxiliary services 
2014-12-11 03:52:13 
Abstract :
Evaluation of student learning is a process that includes measurement and testing is also possible, which also contains a decision about the value that describes the ability of students. evaluation will benefit the parties related to learning, such as students, mentor, and the Institute Tutoring. absence of indicators for the students as a tool to find weaknesses in the subjects that can help the learning process is more appropriate for students. Based on the existing problems and made an evaluation system of students' learning of subject specific and sub-chapters. Analysis of this system is based on tryout results conducted on the students. 
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Universitas Dinamika