TA : Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Seleksi Pengangkatan Pegawai Tetap dengan Metode Perbandingan Eksponensial Studi Kasus : PT. HD Finance Surabaya
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Universitas Dinamika
Geppy Ardhika (STUDENT ID : 05410100113)
I Gede Arya Utama (LECTURER ID : 0726044403)
650 Management & auxiliary services 
2020-05-14 04:13:05 
Abstract :
PT. HD Finance is a company engaged in the region housed motor credit Surabaya. Employees are an important resource for PT. HD Finance. Only high-quality employees who will make the company's goal is reached. Qualified personnel needs to be one separate issue for PT HD Finance which process data selection test results are still manually. So that decision-making process takes a long time and is less accurate. Besides, the number of employees and the alternative criteria that companies use to determine the appropriate person. The criteria needed to guide the selection where the criteria tailored to the needs of companies. One way to do the selection is to build information systems selection appointment of a permanent employee with the comparison method exponentially. This technique is used in help for individuals to make decisions by using a design model that has been well defined at this stage of the process. Based on the results of testing the system, known by using the comparison method produced a sequence of exponential alternative employee in accordance with criteria values and criteria weights, so you can help HRD decisions. 
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Universitas Dinamika