PA : Sistem Administrasi pada PT. Vitapharm dan STIKOM Surabaya
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Universitas Dinamika
Cicilia Reno Ika Arya Christimarsanti (STUDENT ID : 08390150011)
Ristanti Akseptori (LECTURER ID : 0717028601)
Susijanto Tri Rasmana (LECTURER ID : 0727097302)
650 Management & auxiliary services 
2020-05-14 03:26:53 
Abstract :
Writing the final report aims to determine the administrative system on the Research and Development (R & D) unit PT. VITAPHARM and Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (PPM) STIKOM Surabaya, filing systems used by the Unit of Research and Development (R & D) PT. VITAPHARM and Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (PPM) STIKOM Surabaya as well as the handling of invoices by the Cooperative Employees PT. VITAPHARM. The method used in the writing of Final Project is through the method of observation, literature studies and interviews. The result is that the administrative system on the unit R & D PT. VITAPHARM and The PPM STIKOM Surabaya done to help those working tasks which are administrative in nature are dealt with differences between the field in STIKOM Surabaya and PT. VITAPHARM, the application filing system between R & D PT. VITAPHARM and PPM STIKOM Surabaya and have in common is by using the alphabetical system, but with differences in areas of the archived documents in each section, while handling the sales invoice to the Employees Cooperative PT. VITAPHARM are input into the card stock of goods every month. 
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Universitas Dinamika