Financial and Banking Management Study Program, Bogor University of Economic Unity 2019. Raw Material Inventory Procedure Using the Fifo Method at PT. Unitex
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Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Kesatuan
HG Finance 
2020-07-16 06:55:26 
Abstract :
Most of the inventory of raw material storage and the process of using inventory on the use of the fifo method. If the company has inventory from the sales and purchase process, then based on inventory that is first in, food will first come out. Related to how to organize and manipulate data relatie against time and priority. The purpose of research or practical work done by the author at PT. Unitex is to find out how the process of implementing the storage and inventory of raw materials and the planning process of the documents used. The results of the inventory obtained there are 1) knowing the existence of an inventory process set by a company. 2) the raw material inventory process used by the company uses the fifo method system where a first item enters then the shipping process will be the first to be processed. 3) With a company's responsibility document to determine the process of purchase orders, letters of receipt of goods, purchase invoices, fendor payment letters, debit notes and purchase orders and the exchange of information between sales and purchase transactions in the industry. There is no suggestion that might be given because in the process of raw material inventory at PT. Unitex is good enough. 

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Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Kesatuan