Abstract :
The aims of this resarch was to determine the influence of financial performance, such as return on equity, net interest income, operating expense to operating income, and price to earning ratio before and after implemented PSAK 50&55 (revision 2006) to the stock price in Indonesia Stock Exchange for the year 2008-2011.
This research used purposive sampling to determine the sample. Total samples for this research are 28 public banks from 33 public banks which is listing in Indonesia Stock Exchange in the year 2008-2011. The method of this research used multiple regresion analysis with level of significance 5%
The results show that: (1) simultaneously the effect of return on equity, net interest income, operating expense to operating income, and price to earning ratio were significant with stock price for both period before and after implemented PSAK 50&55 (revision 2006) (2) partially only operating expense to operating income which significant with stock price in period before implemented PSAK 50&55 (revision 2006) (3) in the period after implemented PSAK 50&55 (revision 2006) variables return on equity, net interest margin, and operating expense to operating income which are significant with stock price (4) the adjusted R2 shows that ROE, NIM, OEOI, and PER after implemented PSAK 50&55 (revision 2006) could more explained the stock price variable.
Keywords: PSAK 50&55 (Revision 2006), Return on Equity, Net Interest Margin, Operating Expense to Operating Expense, Price to Earning Ratio, Stock Price.