Evaluasi Atas Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Mengenai Aplikasi Penggajian Pada PT. Bank DKI
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STIE Indonesia Banking School
Nurachmaseanti, Nuki Ayu
HF5601 Accounting 
2024-07-18 00:52:25 
Abstract :
Paymentof salaries is an activityisperformedby firm inorder tomaintainthe survival of company.It involves personnel implementers who always strive continually to promote their business. Accounting information systems become important means to obtain financial information includingpayroll information, and also can be used as a tool to detect irregularities The research was conducted using qualitative analytical descriptive method, which collects data in accordance with the facts that will be analyzed. The data and facts obtained were then interpreted and compared with relevant theories that have been described previously to reach the conclusion and the suggestion. Payroll system aimed to provide corporate finance informationcorrectly and in detail,so thatdeviations that may occur andcompany?s financial position are known with certainty. Therefore companies tryto implement a computerized payroll system. The computer programwillcalculate payroll automatically for each employee data. The preparation of payroll accounting information system at PT. Bank DKIis in accordance with the provisions of the preparation guided by laws and regulations. Keywords : payroll accounting information system, computerized payroll system 
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STIE Indonesia Banking School