Abstract :
This research is a study of the personal income tax and the Agency which conducted by Kantor Pelayanan Pajak (KPP) Pratama Jakarta Setiabudi Satu in order to increase tax revenue.
In this research author uses descriptive method. This method aims to analyze and evaluate the process of tax income Personal and Agency increase in tax revenue at the KPP Pratama Jakarta Setiabudi Satu. Field research and literature has been conducted to determine the income tax process, the constraints faced by the tax authorities and also strategies to achieve the goal
The results from the research is the process of income tax collection the Personal and Agency at KPP Pratama Jakarta Setiabudi Satu is quite good, although not all of the tax arrears can be paid. Although the billing activities run well, there are several constraints faced by the tax authorities at the time of collection action. These constraints can be either internal or external factors . To overcome these obstacles the tax authorities make he strategies so that goals can be achieved
Keywords : Personal Income Tax, Agency Income Tax, Income Tax Processtegies so that goals can be achieved.