Abstract :
Banks are financial institutions that serve as financial intermediaries. Banks receive deposits from the public and then distribute it back in the form of credit. The credit distribution creates opportunity to complete investment, distribution, and also the consumption of good and service, considering that the entire activities are related to the money usage. The research was motivated by the phenomenon of non optimal distribution of bank credit.This is indicated by the Loan to Deposit Ratio(LDR) which is belowe xpectations of Bank Indonesia. It needs to have testing of factors that affect bank lending policy, which includes interest rate of Bank Indonesia (BI rate), liquidity, capitalization, asset size, and Non-Performing Loans (NPL). The object of this research is State Owned Banks, Foreign Exchange Commercial Banks, and Regional Development Banks, with are search period of year 2006-2010 (semiannual data). The analysis technique which used ismultiple linear regression, while the hypothesis testing using the t-test to test the effect ofthe partial and variabl eF-testto test the simultaneous effect of variables with a significance level of 5%. Based on research,there are results that liquidity and asset size influence positively and significant lyon bankl ending. BI rate, Capitalization and Non-Performing Loans (NPL)influence negative lyand significant lyon bank lending.In order to increase bank lending,here with among the conclusion: pay attention to changes of BI rate, good management in managing liquidity, capitalization, and asset size, as well as having a good credit management to the NPL with in the limits required by the Bank Indonesia. KeyWords: Bank lending, BI rate,Liquidity, Capitalization, Asset size, and Non Performing Loan (NPL).