Kemampuan Laba, NPL, LDR, NIM Dan BOPO Dalam Memprediksi Laba Di Masa Mendatang (Studi Empiris Pada 10 Bank Terbesar Di Indonesia Dari Segi Aset Tahun 2009)
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STIE Indonesia Banking School
Christian, Daniel
HF5601 Accounting 
2024-06-14 06:06:16 
Abstract :
The purpose of this research is to analyse the influence of income, NPL, LDR, NIM, and BOPO toward future income at banking industry in the period of 2004-2009. Procedure election of sample is sampling purposive. Sample of this research consists of 10 biggest bank in Indonesia by the year of 2009. Hypothesizing according to previous research and supporting theory then analysed with EViews 6 program. Examination of classic assumption to eliminate disturbances of multicolinearity, heterokedastisity and auto corelation which emerge at regression equation. Significance test indicated that fixed effect is the most appropriate method to analyse. The results of this research showed that LDR has significance relationship partialy with future incomes. Meanwhile, incomes, NPL, LDR, NIM, and BOPO, they are significantly effected in simultant, with future income. Keywords: bank ratios, earning changes, NPL, LDR, NIM, BOPO. 
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STIE Indonesia Banking School