Abstract :
Customer service is the front-liner of a bank. Customer service at the Islamic banks are different from customer service at the conventional bank. Customer service at conventional bank usually dress attractively (sometimes mini), too much make-up and give a smile that sometimes redundant. The following points made with the aim of giving the friendly impression and attractive behaviour to customer as an officer of a bank frontliner. Based on that condition, writer is interested to conduct an event research study about customer satisfaction from service performance of customer service at the Sharia Mandiri bank which wear a modest uniform, minimalist make-up that can provide maximum satisfaction to its customers. This study used validity test, reliability test, normality test, multicollinearity test and simple correlation analysis test with a sample of 125 respondents. And its result would be summarized as below: First, The use of attributes Islamic (like greetings and the use of headscarf) by customer service in Mandiri Sharia bank branch Mayestik less significantly influence customer satisfaction Next, Mandiri Sharia Bank branch Mayestik?s customers less satisfied with the service provided by customer service officer Mandiri Sharia Bank branch Mayestik Jakarta and Finally, The writer still finds dissatisfaction felt by customers of Mandiri Sharia Bank branch Mayestik about the speed of service performance given. Keywords: service performance, customer service, customer satisfaction.