Analisis Tingkat Kesesuaian APBD Dengan Rencana Strategis Daerah (Studi Pada Kabupaten Gianyar Periode 2008-2012)
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STIE Indonesia Banking School
Johan, Ervi
HF5601 Accounting 
2024-07-16 07:45:29 
Abstract :
The 2008-2013 vision and mission of Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Gianyar is a part of the Pemda Kabupaten 2008-2012 Intermediate Term Development Plan (Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah) formulation. The formulation process of the vision and mission is based on the analysist of Gianyar?s current and predicted general condition. The Local Budget Plan (Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah), wheter it is the local revenue or the budget allocation of Kabupaten Gianyar year 2008-2012, is one of the important variable in the Intermediate Term Development Plan. The Local government intention is manifested in the Pemda Kabupaten Gianyar Budget Plan year 2008-2012 which should be based on the previously decided vision and mission In this research, qualitative analytical descriptive method is used, collecting data based on the fact that there is then analyzed and interpreted through fact obtained so that it can be made a conclution and suggestion by comparing the budget allocation and the vision and mission of pemda Kabupaten Gianyar Intermediate Term Development Plan 2008-2012 Keyword: Performance based-budgeting, regulation of the Domestic Minister, regulation 
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STIE Indonesia Banking School