Abstract :
The purpose of this research was to analyze the positive influence of measurement of financial performance such as: Earning Measures were proxied by Earning per Share (EPS); Cash Flow Measures were proxied by Free Cash Flow (FCF); Value Measures were proxied by Market Value Added (MVA) and Cash Value Added (CVA) toward stock return with beta and market value of equity as control variable. The research object was the company categorized LQ45 non-bank on Indonesia Stock Exchange in the period of 2011-2013. The selection of samples used purposive sampling method. The statistic method used to test on the research hypothesis was panel data regression and hypothesis test used t-test and F-test at level of significance 5%.The object of this research consists of 15 LQ45 non-bank companies. Examination of classic assumption to eliminate disturbances of multicollinearity, heteroskedasticity, and autocorrelation which emerge at regression equation. Significance test indicated that fixed effect was the most appropriate method to analyze data. The result of this research showed Earning per Share (EPS) had a positive and significance influence toward stock return. This result was expected can be made as reference to company management and investors in determining investment strategy.
Keywords: Earning Measures, Earning per Share, Cash Flow Measures, Free Cash Flow, Value Measures, Market Value Added, Cash Value Added, and Stock Return